How to Decorate Your Apartment Using Affordable, Colorful Tapestries

Decorating your apartment may seem expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. By simply recycling those old tapestries that you loved so much in high school, you can create a chic, eclectic look for no money at all. Here are a few creative ways to decorate your apartment with tapestries.

  1. Create a headboard. If your simple bedframe doesn’t contain a headboard, create the illusion of one with a tapestry. Simply hang one behind your bed and keep the rest of your bedding simple to let the tapestry take center stage.
  2. Cut it into a smaller size. If your large, busy tapestry seems overwhelming, try cutting it into a smaller size to hang above a table or in an irregular wall space.
  3. Brighten up a bare wall. If you have a wall that you just don’t know what to do with, it may be the perfect place for a tapestry. Because these oversized wall hangings are too large for many spaces, they’re the perfect way to cover a whole wall in one simple step.
  4. Use them as curtains. Drape your tapestry over a simple curtain rod, or sew a loop at one end to make it function like traditional curtains.
  5. Make your own tablecloth. Cover a small dining table with your tapestry to create a colorful tablecloth.

Hanging Tapestries as Wall Art [Apartment Therapy]
Colorful Tapestries & Wall Hangings [Apartment Therapy]
How to Decorate With Tapestries [SF Gate]

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