Upper Crust Bakery: Marvelous Bread and Pastries

December 4, 2012 12:03 pm

Upper Crust Bakery is a family owned and operated business that creates European-style breads, pastries, and cakes. Here, you'll find stellar cinnamon rolls and big, full danishes. The bread is amazing, too, especially the varieties of croissant and stuffed brioche available. There's a huge selection, and it's all fresh and of the highest quality. These acclaimed offerings have been a delightful temptation for the past fifteen years, and Upper Crust's café menu makes for a satisfying lunch stop. A host of delectable soups, salads, and sandwiches are on hand to take care of your appetite, and the variety of teas and coffee drinks here complement them perfectly. The food at Upper Crust Bakery is sure to satisfy whether you want a fresh, healthy meal or a nice way to indulge your sweet tooth.

Upper Crust Bakery
4508 Burnet Road
Austin, TX 78756
(512) 467-0102

Category: Restaurants Tags: , , ,

Five of History’s Most Eccentric Artists

November 30, 2012 12:00 pm
A high degree of creativity has frequently been known to bring with it an ample dose of eccentricity. History is full of artists and other extremely innovative thinkers whose behavior fell outside the realm of the status quo. Read on to learn about some of the most idiosyncratic artistic figures that ever existed: 
Vincent Van Gogh, 1853 – 1890
Van Gogh was a Dutch post-Impressionist painter whose originality and brilliance made a huge impact on the visual arts. His eccentricities displayed themselves from an early age. He was unable to hold a job due to his wild emotional swerves and unusual behavior, and his personal life was a roller coaster as well – at one point, he stuck his hand in a flaming lamp in order to get the attention of a woman who had rejected his marriage proposal. His most iconic and famous act of eccentricity is an incident in which he cut off part of his ear.
Andy Warhol, 1928 – 1987
Andy Warhol was a major figure in the American pop art movement, creating works that explored the interactions between advertisement, capitalism, celebrity culture, and artistic expression. His public persona was noted for its unpredictability and eccentricity, and this way of acting (behavior focused on challenging social norms) added to his cache as an artist. 
Salvador Dali, 1904 – 1989
Salvador Dali was a Spanish surrealist painter whose highly innovative, imaginative, and vivid work continues to yield a huge impact on the visual arts today. He was famous for living entirely on his own terms, never concerned about fitting into the norms of mainstream society. He wore a dramatic fake mustache, kept an exotic ocelot as a pet, donned elaborate capes and walking ticks, and referred to himself in the third person during interviews, among many other eccentric tendencies. 
Henry Darger, 1892 – 1973
Henry Darger was an American writer and artist who became famous after death when his 15, 145 page manuscript was found, along with hundreds of drawings and paintings illustrating the book. He has become celebrated as a symbol of the “Outsider Artist” in American culture – that is, an artist who has not been formally trained and does not have any involvement with the art world. Darger lived a reclusive and eccentric existence as a menial worker at a hospital, befriending very few people and spending his spare time compulsively collecting bits of trash. 
Michelangelo was a celebrated Italian painter and sculptor during the Renaissance period. His stunningly ingenious works and polymathic mind made him a major artistic figure of his time and long afterwards. He was also well known for his personality quirks and unusual tics – for example, there are many stories of him having temper flare-ups and screaming at statues. Michelangelo also distributed lifestyle eccentricities, living in squalor like a pauper despite his financial successes as an artist. His assistants claimed that he often slept with his shoes up and rarely changed his clothes. 

Category: Miscellaneous Tags: , , ,

Want To Improve Your Posture? Take These Steps

November 27, 2012 12:06 pm

When you have good posture, you look thinner, feel better, and people will be pulled in by your confident stance. If you have a habit of slouching, it's important to know the effects it's having on your body. Poor posture can result in your inability to breathe fully, back pain, lost  sleep, or even illness. Check out these helpful tips that will keep your posture straight as an arrow:

Check your reflection. As you move through your day, try to catch your reflection, and notice your posture. If you’re hunched over, gently engage your stomach muscles to support your low back and lift your chin. Breathe in fully, and feel your spine growing taller.

Sit up straight. If you're work keeps you at a desk, try to sit with your back against the chair, with both feet flat on the floor, and with your knees in line with your hips. Keep your head held high, with your ears over your shoulders. If you're working on a computer, be sure the screen is high enough that you only have to gaze slightly downward to do your work.

Invest in good shoes. Our shoes do a number on our posture — high heels, ballet flats, flip flops, and sandals don’t give you the support you need to stand tall. Instead, invest in a comfortable, supportive, cushioned shoe that offers arch support, wide toe boxes, and no more than one-inch heels.

Exercise. Yoga, tai chi, and lesser-known disciplines such as Feldenkrais are all great for improving your posture. Attend a few classes, and see what works best for you! If you still have trouble, consider seeing a physical therapist.

Don’t take shortcuts. The only true way to improve posture is with dedication and consistent practice. So, don’t fall prey to commercials for braces or other “posture aids”. In truth, they could immobilize essentials muscles needed for a straight spine, and just make your posture worse!

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