4 Must-Watch Sci-Fi Films

The sci-fi genre has long enthralled moviegoers, who will often line up outside the theater in advance to see the newest installment of their favorite fantastical epics. If you're a fan of sci-fi, the following films are all worth seeing:

Star Wars
George Lucas changed the genre of sci-fi with these breakout films that took moviegoers to a "galaxy far, far away." These award-winning movies are equal parts heroic myth and space drama, and both trilogies delight viewers to this day.

2001: A Space Odyssey
Stanley Kubrick uses the sci fi genre to make a film with some artful cinematography and some interesting meditations on the human condition.

The Matrix
In this Wachowski Brothers’ film, cyperspace is the new frontier, and nothing's really as it seems.

This sci-fi thriller combines genres to create a strikingly original movie.

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