Great Tips For Summer Travel With Kids

If this summer you’re planning a trip with your kids away from The Marquis at Canyon Ridge, you probably already know that vacation can feel more like work if their needs aren't met. If you’re thinking that you might return from vacation feeling like you need another one, check out these simple tips to smooth out any bumps along the road.

Pick a kid-friendly destination
If you’re going away with young children, be certain that your hotel has features that will make it appealing to your kids. Things such as a pool, family-friendly restaurants, and a kids’ club or kids’ room will ensure your kids will be happy too.

Don’t overload your plans
To keep your kids entertained, you may feel like you should fill your day with lots of activities to keep your family busy, but remember that kids tire easily, especially when out in the sun. Instead, keep to a slower pace, and allow for down time — it will serve you well too. Scheduling time for rest and naps will keep kids happier in the long run.

Pack some snacks
Even if you’re just heading out for a few hours, pack a few snacks and some bottled water. You never really know when your children's hunger-pangs will hit, and having something handy will keep them smiling.

Bag of entertainment
If your travels will have you in a car or plane for a significant chunk of time, pack an entertainment bag for your kids. Fill it with coloring books, crayons, playing cards, worksheets, small toys, and perhaps an iPod or iPad if you have one for your kids. The more activities the better! And, even once you reach your final destination, your kids can still reach in to find something entertaining.

Make kids part of the planning process
You may think that you know what your kids would enjoy best, but making them part of the planning will get them more invested in all the activities of the trip. If you have a free afternoon, give them a few choices – would you rather walk on the beach or go mini-golfing? – you may be surprised what they would prefer.

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