Simple Tips for Improving Your Communication Skills

Communication skills are just as important as talent in the workplace, because without them you would never be able to express your ideas to others or work together with a team. No matter how shy or quick-tempered you are, these tips will help you to improve your communication skills and speak more eloquently at work.

  1. Speak face-to-face. Although e-mail and phone conversations are the norm in this digital age, nothing has as much impact as speaking to someone in person. If you want to ask for a raise or pitch a great idea, do it face-to-face, not through a device.
  2. Plan ahead. There’s nothing wrong with planning what to say ahead of time; in fact, most bosses prefer this method. Planning ahead will help you get to the point faster, making what you’re saying all the more effective.
  3. Put a positive spin on things. There will always be occasions where you need to criticize a coworker, but instead of putting them down or ratting them out, attempt to speak positively. Say things like “Your idea was great, but…” or “I know you put a lot of work into this, but…”
  4. Take a breather. If you’re prone to saying things you regret in moments of anger, tell yourself to take a minute to consider if what you’re saying is helpful or just plain hurtful.

How You Can be a Better Communicator [LifeHack]
6 Ways to Become a Better Communicator [TIME]
10 Simple Secrets of Great Communicators [About Money]
Becoming a Better Communicator [Berkeley HR]

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