5 Fast Facts About Mount Rushmore

You know it as that big mountain with some old presidents’ faces carved into it, but what else do you know about Mount Rushmore? Mount Rushmore is a historical landmark that’s a fascinating part of our country’s history. Here are a few fun facts about the massive sculpture.

1. Mount Rushmore’s construction began on October 4, 1927.
Gutzon Borglum created the huge sculpture, and it took 400 workers over 14 years to build. It cost just $989,992.32 at the time.

2. It is named after Charles E. Rushmore.
Rushmore was a prominent New York City attorney in the late 1800s. He visited the Black Hills in 1884, and his tour guide promised that they would name the now-famous mountain after him.

3. Most of the sculpture was created with dynamite.
Over 90% of the faces were sculpted out of dynamite, though the smaller details were sculpted using chisels and jackhammers.

4. Each face is 60 feet high.
That’s approximately as tall as a six-story building. George Washington’s nose alone is 21 feet long!

5. Mount Rushmore sees almost 3 million visitors per year.
The National Park Service maintains and cares for the giant sculpture and also oversees the mountain’s annual visitation.

Mount Rushmore [History.com]
Mount Rushmore Facts & Figures [Visit Rapid City]
Frequently Asked Questions [Mount Rushmore National Memorial]

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