Famous Speeches in American History

Oratory's one of the oldest arts, practiced by statesmen and other leaders from even before the days of Cicero. It's not surprising that some of our country's most effective leaders have also been master rhetoricians, capable of moving and inspiring their audiences with the power of words. Here are five of the most famous speeches in American history:

The Gettysburg Address
Perhaps the most quoted speech in American history, Abraham Lincoln's powerful speech is incredible in not only its eloquence, but also its brevity. In just over two minutes, he spoke of human equality at the roots of the American experience, and the Union's struggle in the Civil War as one to preserve and renew freedom.

Lou Gehrig Farewell
Incredible Yankee's first baseman Lou Gehrig had his career cut short when at 36 he was diagnosed with the disease now bearing his name. Celebrating all that he was grateful for, Gehrig used his farewell address to proclaim himself as "the luckiest man on the face of the earth."

"I Have a Dream"
Calling for an end to racial inequality and racial discrimination, Martin Luthur King Jr's words have inspired countless millions. This charismatic message of love voiced the hopes of civil rights, and in giving it King shared his dream with a nation.

Kennedy's Inaugural Address
When John F. Kennedy took the oath of office on January 20, 1961, he was helping to inspire America into a new era. In this stirring speech, Kennedy famously implored his fellow Americans to "ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country."

"Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death"
Before America was America, Patrick Henry spoke forcefully to the Virginia House of Burgesses. The Revolutionary War had begun, and Henry wanted to organize a militia in Virginia in an effort to join the war. His famous words still ring out as some of the most impassioned words spoken on behalf of America.

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