How to Plant Your Own Terrarium

If you pay attention to interior design blogs, you’ve likely seen colorful terrariums popping up all over the place. These intricate indoor gardens may seem difficult to make, but with the right supplies and a few slow-growing plants, you can create your own terrarium to make your home look just like the pros’.

  1. Find the right structure. Terrariums should be built inside of a clear glass or plastic container so that you can see what’s going on inside. Something like a fish bowl, mason jar, or even a store-bought terrarium will work best. Do your best to choose the size based on how large you plants are.
  2. Form the garden bed. The success of your terrarium depends on the base. Start by lining the container with a one-inch layer of pebbles for drainage, and then add a ½-inch layer of activated charcoal. A 1 ½-inch layer of pre-moistened sphagnum moss goes over that to prevent the soil from slipping in between the pebbles.
  3. Plant your plants. Whether you choose succulents or herbs, they need to go on top of this well-draining garden bed. Remove your plants from their pots and cut away pot-bound roots. Place a layer of soil in your terrarium that’s just taller than your plants' roots, and plant the plants inside where the leaves won’t touch the glass.
  4. Decorate. Now that your terrarium is complete, it’s time to make it look pretty. Add some decorative rocks inside, and then place it in front of a well-lit window where your guests can easily see it.

How to Make Your Own Terrarium [HGTV]
How to Make Terrariums [About Home]
Terrariums: A Guide to Plants and Care [BHG]

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