Interesting Facts About Warren Buffet

Perhaps you've heard of Warren Buffet? Nicknamed the Oracle of Omaha, Buffet is a celebrated American business magnate consistently ranked among the world's wealthiest people. Here are five fascinating facts about this American success story:

He's a Regular Guy
Sure, he's enormously wealthy. But Buffet still inhabits the same three-bedroom Omaha, Nebraska house he purchased over fifty years ago. He drives his own car and doesn't employ private driver or security team.

He Likes Simplicity
Buffet has only two rules for his managers: First, don't lose your shareholders' money. Secondly, don't forget the first rule.

He's Always Been Talented
Buffet's gift for finance was apparent when he was a young man. He purchased his first share when he was just eleven years old, later expressing regret that he hadn't begun even sooner! At fourteen, he bought a small farm with money earned on a paper-delivery route.

Harvard Wouldn't Accept Him
After graduating a year early from the University of Nebraska, Buffet applied to Harvard Business School. Harvard rejected him as "too young." Buffet matriculated to Columbia instead. There he met an important mentor: investor Ben Graham.

He's Generous
Most of Buffet's fortune has been donated to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, an organization that advances health and education initiatives around the world.

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