Did You Know You Can Cook These Recipes in the Microwave?

If you think that the microwave is only good for re-heating leftovers and preparing microwave dinners, think again. This common kitchen appliance is actually a great tool for preparing scratch-made dinners, desserts, and even breakfast dishes! These three recipes will show you how it's done.

The Moistest Chocolate Mug Cake [tablefortwoblog.com]
By combining a few simple baking ingredients in your morning coffee mug, you can create a one-serving dessert that’s perfect when you’re craving a sweet treat. Best of all, this simple cake takes just two minutes to make in the microwave.

1-Minute Microwave Quiche [fullthymestudent.com]
Quiche certainly isn’t the easiest breakfast to make, but with this simplified recipe it becomes a whole lot easier. Simply blend eggs with fresh veggies, herbs, and bread and cook it all in a mug — in just one minute, no less.

Lemon Shrimp with Rice [marthastewart.com]
Ingredients like Sauvignon Blanc wine, chopped, fresh herbs, and fresh shrimp combine to make a meal with more gourmet flair than your usual microwave dinner. Prepare the other ingredients while the rice cooks, and then pop the whole thing in the microwave for an additional two minutes before serving.

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