6 Tips for Reducing Screen Time

February 7, 2014 | cwsapts

You spend hours every day staring into screens, from your computer at work to your television in the evenings. These tips from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute will help you spend less time in front of the screen and more time with the people around you:

1. Limit screen time at home. While we can’t control the amount of time we spend in front of the computer at work or school, we can disconnect at home. Experts recommend limiting screen time at home to 2 hours or less per day.

2. Be a good example. Reduce your own screen time and your kids might follow suit.

3. Set rules for your children. Parents who set limits on how much television or computer usage their children can have decrease their screen time by almost 3 full hours per day.

4. Don’t keep televisions in the bedrooms. Kids with TVs in their bedrooms spend an extra hour per day, on average, in front of the screen than those without.

5. Multitask. Do something else with the television on in the background, rather than lounging on the couch. Stretch, do yoga, or even clean your house while watching a show or movie.

6. Ban screens during meals. Make a promise to engage in conversation with your family during dinner, rather than eating in front of the television or looking at individual phone screens.    

Reduce Screen Time [National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute]