Exercise Rain or Shine at Canyons Rock Climbing

June 23, 2017 | orion

If you're interested in learning how to boulder or climb, Canyons Rock Climbing is the perfect place to practice. This climbing gym in Frisco boasts 30 lead routes and more than 30 top rope options, plus 60-plus bouldering problems to solve. And if you're a newbie, you can take a quick crash course to learn the ropes.

It only takes new climbers about 10 or 15 minutes to get oriented to the gym if you download the safety waiver ahead of time and fill it out before you come in. A Canyons Rock staffer will demonstrate the proper way to hold the ropes and how to use the auto-belays. You'll also get a brief tour of the entire gym so that you know where everything is located. Then you're set to get climbing! Most climbers must be 16 years old.

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