DIY Your Dessert at CherryBerry Yogurt Bar

December 22, 2016 | orion

From Country Vanilla to Salted Caramel Corn, CherryBerry Yogurt Bar has a fro-yo flavor to suit every taste. The assortment of flavors changes constantly at the McKinney location, so you can almost always try something new when you stop by for dessert. And since it's a self-serve frozen yogurt spot, you have the option to load up your cup with any frozen yogurt and ingredients you like.

Looking for a truly indulgent dessert? Then fill your cup with the mint chocolate frozen yogurt and add some extra candy and sprinkles on top. Trying to keep your after-dinner treat relatively low-calorie? Opt for the original tart frozen yogurt and crown it with fresh fruit and nuts instead. Once you've put the final sweet flourish on your creation, take it to the cash register and a staff member will weigh the fro-yo, which is priced by the ounce. Treat yourself to something sweet this week at CherryBerry Yogurt Bar!

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