Don’t Miss This Summer’s Concerts at The Sanctuary Music and Events

June 28, 2016 | orion

Maybe you've already been to a wedding reception at The Sanctuary, a stunning edifice of stone and stained glass, but did you know that the special occasion venue also regularly hosts concerts? Small snacks and libations are served at the concerts, which unfold amid the rustic grandeur of The Sanctuary Music & Events Center.

Coming up on July 8, Chris Duarte takes the stage at The Sanctuary. Considered one of the best guitarists of his time—as evidenced by his spot on a list of Best Blues Guitarists that also contained Eric Clapton and Buddy Guy—Duarte is set to strum the strings at 8 p.m. The following month on August 8, 3 Moon House Concerts brings a group of local music greats to the stage for a BYO show. Load up a bag with your favorite beer or wine and be there by 4:30 p.m. for the show; doors open at 4 p.m.

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