Palio’s Pizza Cafe Dishes Out Exceptional Specialty Pies Near You

January 6, 2017 | orion

Roasted cashews, roasted chicken, fresh mushrooms, and vibrant spinach. These are the components that make up the Nutty Chicken pizza, just one of many specialty pies delighting diners at Palio's Pizza Cafe. Other inventive options include the Classic, which actually showcases unconventional ingredients like roasted chicken with basil, garlic, olive oil, and fresh tomatoes. From the buffalo chicken to the Artichoke Deluxe, there's something for everyone on the menu, and you can always opt for a whole-wheat crust instead of the traditional.

And even if you're not interested in pizza, you'll probably still be able to find something that suits you on the menu. It also boasts an array of classic pasta dishes, like spaghetti with meatballs and lasagna. Then there are more contemporary options too, such as the chicken il Palio with fettuccine plus shrimp, mushrooms, artichoke hearts, and Alfredo sauce. BYO bottle of wine or a six-pack of craft beer to enjoy with dinner.

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