REMINDER: Facebook Independence Day Photo Contest

We wanted to remind everyone that we currently have a Facebook picture contest going on to see who has the best Independence Day photo!

The resident with the most likes on Facebook will receive a $200 Visa Gift Card from the leasing office.


1. Send us your best Independence Day photo in a private message on Facebook & tell us the location/story behind the photo.

2. The picture will be uploaded to a Photo Album titled, “ 2014 – Best Independence Day Pic Contest”

3. Send the Facebook picture link to your friends and family so they can like the photo.

4. The resident with the most likes on Facebook will win the $200 prize.

Contest ends on Monday, July 8th, 2014 at 12:01 am
– One picture per resident.

Happy 4th of July

We hope everyone has a safe and happy day as we celebrate America's Independence. Happy 4th of July!

Best Independence Day Picture Contest – $200 Grand Prize

We launched a Facebook picture contest this week to see who has the Best Independence Day photo!
The resident with the most likes on Facebook will receive a $200 Visa Gift Card from the leasing office


Simply send us your best vacation picture on Facebook and tell us about the picture. We will upload it to a picture folder and the picture with the most likes will WIN $200 DOLLARS!!

Rules for Contest:
– One Picture per Resident
– The winner of the contest must be a current resident at the property.
– The Contest will officially ends on Monday, July 7th 2014.
– The resident must submit the photo in a private message to our Fan Page Account on Facebook.
– The resident must submit contact information & tell us the background story behind the picture.

Happy Father’s Day

Today we want to take time to wish all the Dads out there a very happy day! We hope all the Fathers near and far have a great day relaxing with loved ones!

Happy Memorial Day!

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday as we remember all those heroes who have served our nation.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Wishing all the moms out there a wonderful day!

Brand New Tennis Courts: Rules & Regulations

Dear Portofino Biscayne Residents,

We are pleased to announce that our newly renovated tennis courts are open for the enjoyment of all our Portofino residents. To preserve and to ensure these upgrades are a going to be a long term benefit we must implement the following Rules & Regulations:

Happy Spring!

The sun is shining and the flowers are starting to bloom. Wishing everyone a lovely Spring!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

May the luck of the Irish be with you today.

Happy President’s Day!

Millions of workers and school children in the United States are getting a day off Monday for the annual Presidents' Day holiday.

It first became a federal holiday in 1879 to celebrate the February 22 birthday of the first U.S. president, George Washington.

Nearly a century later, in 1968, Congress passed a law shifting the celebration of several federal holidays from specific dates to predetermined Mondays in order to give workers three consecutive days off.

Retailers take advantage of the holiday – held on the third Monday in February – to promote sales and price cuts on their products.

Although the day is still officially known as Washington's Birthday, it has evolved into Presidents' Day to celebrate both Washington's birthday and that of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th U.S. president whose birthday falls on February 12. Lincoln's birthday was never an official federal holiday, although many states celebrated the day.

Presidents' Day is now widely viewed as a day to celebrate all presidents past and present.

As you enjoy the holiday, please take time out to remember the past leaders who came before us.


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