The Hot Grill: Hot Dogs and More

When you're in the mood for a classic hot dog head over to The Hot Grill in Clifton. Order your hot dog "all the way;" you'll receive a fried Texas sausage with chili sauce, mustard, and raw onions. Make sure you pair your hot dog with a side like fries or onion rings. If you like gravy try the French fries with gravy, sauce, and cheese. You can also get a terrific cheeseburger. Put chili on your cheeseburger if you're really hungry. Don't be surprised to find a line when you arrive. Breakfast is served from 9 to 11:30 a.m. and noon on Sunday.

The Hot Grill
669 Lexington Avenue
Clifton, NJ 07011
(973) 772-6000

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