Green Meets Clean in These Recipes for All-Purpose Cleaners

With all of the chemicals and hard-to-pronounce ingredients in commercial cleaners today, it’s no surprise that many people are opting to make their own cleaners instead. Here are two effective—and surprisingly simple—recipes for homemade cleansers made with only natural ingredients.

All-Purpose Vinegar Spray []
This simple, aromatic spray is incredibly easy to make, and it can be used on just about any surface in your home. Vinegar offers powerful disinfecting properties that are on par with any store-bought cleaner on the market today, and it smells a whole lot more natural, too. Simply combine it with water and your favorite essential oils, pour it all in a spray bottle, and you’ll instantly have a versatile cleaner that you can really feel good about.

Glass Cleaner [Good Housekeeping]
You don’t like the laundry list of chemicals on the back of your name brand glass cleaner, but it seems like making your own just won’t produce the same results. This simple recipe is here to prove you wrong. By using only water, white vinegar, rubbing alcohol, and some essential oils to mask the strong scent, you’ll get the same streak-free shine on every window or mirror in your home. Best of all, all of the ingredients used are environmentally friendly and safe for pets and humans.

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