Here Are 4 Uses for Mayonnaise Beyond the Sandwich

Whether you like the taste of mayonnaise or not, you should add a jar to your cart the next time you’re at the grocery store. This basic condiment is incredibly useful on things other than sandwiches, from your face to your furniture and everywhere in between. If you want to learn how mayonnaise can help you save time and money around the house, check out these creative tips.

  1. Give yourself an at-home manicure. To get salon-quality soft hands right from your own bathroom, soak your fingers in a bowl of mayonnaise before painting your nails. It will soften cuticles and make them easier to trim.
  2. Create a DIY facial mask. It may not smell as pleasant as your typical facial mask, but mayonnaise works wonders on the skin on your face. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes to soften dry patches and encourage healthy, glowing skin.
  3. Remove water stains from wood. If you have pesky rings on your coffee table from cold drink glasses, remove them in just a few minutes with some mayonnaise. Simply rub the mayo over the water-stained area and wipe it away with a clean towel.
  4. Fix a squeaky door. Use some mayonnaise to fix a door that sticks or squeaks. Rub just a bit on the door’s hinge and it will instantly remove the squeaking noise.

20 Uses for Mayonnaise [All You]

11 Home and Beauty Uses for Mayonnaise [Reader's Digest]
9 Surprising Non-Cooking Uses for Mayonnaise [Every Day]

10 Unexpected Home Uses for Mayonnaise [Wise Bread]

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