Killer ESP: Sweet Surprises

Who would have thought that espresso, sorbet and pie would be such a great combination? It all comes together at Killer ESP. Located in Old Town on King Street a few blocks from the park, Killer ESP says it all in the name. Come for the comfortable ambiance, with brick walls, nice tables and friendly counter people.

The espresso drinks are made with beans from Stumptown coffee, so you know it’s good. The sweet and savory pies are baked fresh (try one of the empanadas), so you can always come back for lunch. And the sorbet is made daily on site, with so many different flavors that everyone will find something they like. Sit back and relax, the world can wait while you pamper yourself.

Killer ESP
1012 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 200-3200

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