With the beautiful weather now upon us, Fairmont Park is great place to enjoy the fresh air while surrounded by beautiful scenery. The nominal plot grew out of the Lemon Hill estate of Henry Pratt and continues to be a vital area (all 9,200 acres!) for outdoor appreciation and stunning greenery. There are currently 63 neighborhood parks designated throughout the region, so no matter where you are in the Philadelphia area, there's a somewhere nearby to keep you fresh and rejuvenated. Hikers, bikers, runners, and walkers can all enjoy some fresh air and wildlife amid the now expansive terrain. In the mood for a jog? Start at Lloyd Hall—the beginning of the picturesque Boathouse Row—and follow the path along the Schuylkill River for as long as your legs will take you. Keep a look out for mile markers along the way!
Fairmount Park
1 Boathouse Row
Lloyd Hall (a good starting point)
Philadelphia, PA 19130
(215) 683-0200