How to Brew Coffee at Home, Just Like a Pro Barista

If your daily coffee shop habit is starting to make an impact on your wallet, it may be time to start getting caffeinated at home. You don’t have to settle for an inferior cup, however; simply follow these tips to brew coffee just like your favorite barista!

  1. Start with high-quality coffee. It may seem obvious, but one of the best ways to brew a great cup is by using great coffee! Try to purchase coffee as soon after it was roasted as possible, such as from a local roaster. Also, buy it in small quantities to ensure its freshness.
  2. Just add water. Fresh, filtered water, that is. Because water is the foundation of your coffee, it should taste fresh and free of chemicals such as chlorine.
  3. Grind beans on the spot. Instead of grinding all of the beans at once at the grocery store, invest in a home grinder so that you can grind them as you use them. Also, be sure to vary the size of the grounds based on what type of brewing system you use. For example, use a coarser grind for a French press and a fine grind for espresso.
  4. Use the proper ratio. To brew the perfect cup of coffee, keep in mind that you should use a ratio of 5 tablespoons of coffee to 16 ounces of water. This amount will brew two standard size cups, but you can double it to make more.

How to Brew Coffee [NCA]
9 Rules for How to Make a Perfect Cup of Coffee [Eating Well]
How to Make the Perfect Cup of Coffee [Real Simple]

Cooking 101: How to Sharpen a Kitchen Knife

It may seem strange, but sharpening your kitchen knives is actually one of the best ways to avoid cutting yourself while cooking. A sharp knife means an easier cut with less effort from you, which gives you more control and requires less force. Here are a few tips for sharpening kitchen knives at home.

  1. Place a whetstone, or a rough-surfaced stone made for sharpening knives, on top of a cutting board to offer more stability.
  2. Holding your knife by the handle, place it on a very slight angle against the whetstone (blade facing away, of course).
  3. With moderate pressure, glide the knife forward across the whetstone 10 times. Flip it over and repeat on the other side.
  4. The whetstone has two different types of grit, so flip the whole thing over to the finer side. Repeat the last step to smooth the knife's rough edges.
  5. Finally, hone the blade with a sharpening steel. Place the long, steel rod point-down onto the cutting board, just as you would a nail. Touch the part of the knife closest to the handle against the steel, then pull the blade toward you and slightly downward with a bit of pressure. Repeat this 10 times on each side of the knife, and again any time the knife needs a touch-up.

How to Sharpen a Knife [About Food]
Knife Skills: How to Sharpen a Knife [Serious Eats]
How to Properly Sharpen a Kitchen Knife [Le Cordon Bleu]

How to Tackle Stubborn Coffee, Wine and Ink Stains

Your morning cup of coffee is a beautiful sight for weary eyes—but not when it's spilled down the front of your go-to work shirt. Keep these stain-fighting tips handy so you can meet common household stains with a plan of attack.

To remove coffee and tea stains:
Coffee and tea are categorized as "tannin" stains. These types of stains should be treated with detergent as opposed to soap. If the fabric is washable, you'll want to pre-treat the stain with a stain remover, then toss the garment into the wash with an enzyme detergent on the hottest water temperature permissible for the fabric. If you prefer, you can pre-treat the stain with a solution of one part white vinegar and two parts water, then wash.

To remove wine stains:
Also a tannin stain, wine stains are easier to remove when fresh. First, blot the stain using a lint-free towel to remove as much of the wine as possible. Before the stain can dry and "set" into the fabric, soak the garment in a solution of water and oxygen-based laundry booster. Afterwards, wash the garment in a regular laundry cycle of hot water.

To remove ink stains:
Place a towel underneath the stain, then blot the ink with another lint-free towel that's dampened with rubbing alcohol. The rubbing alcohol will transfer the ink to the towel that's underneath the shirt, so don't use your favorite bath towel for this method!

17 Easy Stain Removal Tips [Lifescript]
Stain Removal Tricks and Shortcuts [Real Simple]
Quick 'n Easy Stain Removal [Ohio State University]
6 Easy Recipes for Removing Nasty Stains [Wonder HowTo]

These 4 Tips Will Help You Keep Dust Under Control

There's no real right or wrong way to dust, but some methods are more effective than others. Here are a few must-read dusting tips and ways to keep dust at a minimum.

1) Dead skin cells and fabric bits are the two main components of dust. Yes, it's gross stuff, but a HEPA air purifier, in addition to regular dusting, can keep these microscopic particles from running amok. (Be sure to keep your HEPA filter running while you vacuum, as vacuum air is notorious for blowing dust around.)

2) Trade in that feather duster for a damp rag or a product intended specifically for dusting; they're much more effective and efficient at capturing dust particles.

3) Move from high to low. That is, dust taller surfaces, like ceiling fans and the top of bookcases, first and work your way down to the floor. This way, you won't be dirtying the surface you just cleaned with dust from above. Vacuum the floor thoroughly when your dusting is complete.

4) Don't ignore soft surfaces. Take a lint roller to your curtains, and be sure to wash your bedding and any furniture slipcovers weekly.

How do you keep dust under control? Sound off below!

Dust Allergy? 7 Smart Strategies to Get Rid of the Dust in Your House [Reader's Digest]
How to Dust Like a Pro [The Nest]
There's a Wrong Way to Dust? And 5 Other Cleaning Mistakes [Oprah]
Keep Dust Down [HGTV]

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