Theis Attaway Park: Explore Tomball’s Best Nature Preserve

Whether you’re a nature lover or more of a city slicker, people of all walks of life agree that the Theis Attaway Park is a beautiful sight to behold. This sprawling nature preserve in the Tomball area covers four full acres of land, offering just enough space for an afternoon of exploring.

The grassy amphitheater is a unique feature that’s ideal for teaching classes outdoors, and it offers rows of bleacher-style seating built right into the earth. For walkers or joggers, there’s also a six-foot-wide walking trail surrounding the grounds. The trail averages about 1/4 mile long, and it features two shaded picnic areas for taking breaks. The preserve’s pond is home to unique wildlife and vegetation, and there’s even an observation blind built over it so that visitors can watch the animals and birds without disturbing their natural habitat.

For more information about the Theis Attaway Park, including how to reserve the park, visit the Tomball city website.

Theis Attaway Park
13509 Theis Lane
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 351-5484

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