Check Out These Surprising Health Benefits of Autumn’s Favorite Crop, Apples!

November 19, 2015 1:32 pm

Apples are some of the most delicious types of fall produce, but they’re also packed with vitamins and nutrients that do your body some good. If you needed another reason to justify that second (or third) piece of apple pie, you’ll love this list of the many health benefits of apples.

  1. Cardiovascular health. The beneficial phytonutrients found in apples function as antioxidants and decrease the oxidation of cell membranes in the cardiovascular system. Quercetin, which is found mainly in the apple’s skin, is its main phytonutrient, but apples also contain chlorogenic acid, kaempferol and myricetin.
  2. Blood sugar regulation. The polyphenols in apples are also thought to help regulate blood sugar because they influence digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, reduce glucose absorption and stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin.
  3. Cancer prevention. Amazingly, apples have also been shown to prevent several types of cancers. They are even the only fruit or vegetable that’s been shown to prevent lung cancer.
  4. Asthma treatment. If you suffer from asthma, you may want to reach for an apple before your inhaler from now on. Apples contain a number of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients that work wonders on human lungs and have even been shown to decrease asthma symptoms.

What's New and Beneficial About Apples [The World’s Healthiest Foods]
5 Health Benefits of an Apple [Eating Well]
10 Reasons to Eat an Apple a Day [Care2]

Category: Miscellaneous Tags: , , ,

Space Center Houston: Blast Off Into Hours of Educational Fun

November 12, 2015 1:32 pm

For outer space enthusiasts young and old, there might not be a greater experience than visiting Space Center Houston. Since 1992, Space Center Houston has been one of the top attractions in the city, drawing more than 16 million visitors to its unique, educational complex.

This fun-filled attraction makes learning about space fun and realistic through its 250 space artifacts, state-of-the-art theaters, and interactive exhibits that offer a way to experience the thrill of outer space. There are a number of permanent and traveling exhibits scattered throughout the 183,000-square-foot facility, including a full-scale replica of a real space shuttle and the "Living in Space" exhibit, which offers a glimpse of life on the International Space Station.

Special events like "Meet an Astronaut Fridays" and "Lunch With an Astronaut" enable visitors to chat about space travel with real life astronauts, while the NASA Tram Tour takes you on a tour around the grounds of the impressive Johnson Space Center.

Space Center Houston
1601 Nasa Parkway
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 244-2100

Category: Things To Do Tags: , ,

Happy Veterans day!

November 11, 2015 12:30 pm

Today is a day to honor the men and women who have bravely fought and continue to fight for our country. Thank you for your service!

Category: Life at The Plaza at San Jacinto Apartments Tags:

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