Simple Tips for Avoiding Freezer Burn


Freezer burn happens when a food becomes exposed to the cold, dry air of the freezer, causing the thin layer of moisture on the food’s surface to evaporate. This makes the food toughen and dry out, and it leaves behind grey or brown patches that look pretty unappetizing. To prevent freezer burn, follow these helpful […]

The Best Air-Purifying Indoor Houseplants


Even better than store-bought air fresheners, common houseplants are an all-natural way to freshen up the air in your home. Here are some of the best plants to improve the air that you and your family breathe every day. Aloe. Not only does aloe help to soothe cuts and burns on the skin, it also […]

How to Prepare Asparagus Like a Trained Chef


Asparagus likely isn’t at the top of your list of favorite food indulgences, but if prepared correctly this nutrient-rich vegetable can be quite tasty. Here are 4 simple tips for cooking asparagus that will make you excited to eat your veggies. Peel thick asparagus before cooking. Thin asparagus can be prepared as-is, but thick asparagus […]

Love Typography? Check Out These Boards on Pinterest!


Typography is a type of design that makes words and letters more appealing to readers, turning a design’s text into a work of art in itself. Using a variety of carefully chosen typefaces, varying line lengths and thoughtful letter spacing, typography changes even the most basic text into something beautiful and exciting. Here are three […]

Travel Etiquette Tips Every Jetsetter Should Know


When you’re planning a big trip, you likely think about what to pack, what travel arrangements to make, and which sights to see once you arrive at your destination. But do you ever think about travel etiquette? Proper etiquette on airplanes or buses is something that most people don’t think about until they’re faced with […]

Dieting? These Foods Can Help You Lose Weight!


Dieting is never easy, but once you know the right foods to eat you'll start to see the pounds melt away. Here are a few smart foods that will help you to lose weight and stay fuller for longer. Beans and legumes. Foods like black beans, kidney beans, and chickpeas are high in fiber, which […]

5 Feng Shui Decorating Tips for Beginners


If your home feels disorganized, cluttered, and just plain off, it could be your feng shui. Feng shui is an ancient Asian art of home organization that promotes good energy in your life, and it might help you feel more in tune with your home as well. Here are a few of the most basic […]

How to Overcome a Fear of Flying


Having a fear of flying is very common, but this phobia can be quite a hindrance when it comes to traveling for work or taking a cross-country trip. If you’re afraid of airplanes and can’t seem to calm your nerves, these tips will help you to overcome your fear. Become familiar with the plane. Many […]

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