Creek Walk: Back To Nature

July 8, 2013 | sack

The Bay Area has such a variety of urban environments to explore that you might forget to spend a little time away from the city. Taking a few hours to walk along the winding banks of some of Walnut Creek’s signature waterways can be a great way to unwind. The most notable stroll is the Creek Walk, which is a charming, well-maintained nature walk that draws locals and visitors alike. Starting at the old railroad bridge on the east side of the Civic Park ballfield, wend down to the riverside behind a Mexican restaurant and find a beautiful overlook, where a nine foot tall granite column marks the spot. You then continue on through the city to Liberty Bell Plaza. A variety of interpretive panels along the way provide information about the creek and surrounding area.The best thing about the Creek Walk is that it’s maintained by a purely volunteer association of locals called Friends Of The Creek, who organize regular cleanup days to keep it pristine.

Creek Walk
Iron Horse Trail / Civic Park
Walnut Creek, CA
(925) 937-6791

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