Plan a Trip Using The National Register of Historic Places’ Travel Itineraries

February 25, 2014 | sack

The National Register of Historic Places is the official list of historic American places worthy of preservation, and its travel itineraries help travellers locate all of the historic places in any given city in the U.S. Foregoing the tourist destinations in favor of places rich with American history, architecture, archaeology, and culture, these itineraries are self-guided tours of communities and regions across the country, including some just a short trip away from Town Center Apartments and Lafayette!

The National Register of Historic Places website allows you to browse its travel itineraries by state or region, perfect for use on a road trip or while travelling with a specific destination in mind. If you’re planning an upcoming trip or simply want to explore the itineraries online, the list of trips allows you to browse them all and stop at the ones that interest you most. Whether you’re planning a trip cross-country or just hoping to visit something new near Town Center Apartments, these travel itineraries will help you find a great destination.

Discover Our Shared Heritage Travel Itineraries [National Park Service]

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