Where to Read About Tech and Gadgets Online

March 17, 2015 | sack

If you love all things technology, you’re likely always on the hunt for the latest products and most recent gadget news. The Internet is filled with sites dedicated entirely to fueling your technology addiction, but these three are some of the very best.

Although its name sounds silly, Gizmodo is a website for serious technology aficionados (or those looking to learn more about it). You’ll find journalistic articles describing the latest trends and advancements in the area of electronics, incredible life hacks and technology news from around the world—and even from outer space.

With a number of different product reviews and gift guides, this is the site to surf when you’re choosing between smartphones or looking to purchase a new computer. TechCrunch also posts fascinating articles from the world of technology and high-quality TCTV online shows that are both funny and informative.

On Engadget, you’ll find photos, videos, must-read news stories and a wide variety of different types of media all entirely dedicated to technology. The site also offers the Engadget Daily, a roundup post of quick snippets of the most recent tech news, which makes a fun read first thing in the morning.

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