Pucker Up! Here Are 6 Ways to Clean With Lemons

June 23, 2015 | sack

Not only do lemons smell great, they’re also packed full of naturally disinfecting properties that are said to be safer and gentler on your household than store bought cleaners. If you want to make the switch to a green cleaning routine, check out these tips for cleaning with lemons in every room in your home.

  1. Clean the copper bottoms of frequently used pots and pans by sprinkling coarse salt on half of a lemon and scrubbing away.
  2. If you’re unsure of how to properly disinfect wooden cutting boards, rub lemon juice onto stained areas and watch as they fade away overnight. You can also use lemon juice to clean your cutting boards after each use.
  3. Remove odors from your microwave by filling a cup 3/4 of the way full with tap water, then adding two tablespoons of lemon juice. Heat the mixture to boiling, and then let it sit for approximately 10 minutes to fully dilute odors.
  4. Create an all-purpose cleaner for countertops and tables by filling a spray bottle with diluted lemon juice.
  5. Clean grout from the bathtub or shower by using lemon juice and an old toothbrush. Simply dip the toothbrush in the lemon juice, then scrub until the debris disappears.
  6. Polish the faucets on your bathtub and bathroom sink by gently rubbing them with half of a lemon and coarse salt.

Cleaning With Lemon Juice [DIY Network]
24 Things You Can Clean With Lemon [Mother Nature Network]
10 Ways to Clean the Kitchen with Lemon Juice [How Stuff Works]

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