Lamorinda Safety Fair

August 3, 2017 | sack

Police Motorcycle Competition and Classic Car Show

Saturday, August 5th at St. Mary’s College in Moraga from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. except for the motorcycle competition, which is scheduled through 5 p.m. there will be a Safety Fair with First Responders showing their skills and equipment.  Helicopters, Fire engines, Ambulances, SWAT, Search and Rescue, Marine Patrol boats, Red Cross, CERT, communications vehicles, command vehicles, K-9, animal services, HazMat and more … 

There will be a Kids Bike Rodeo, Police Motor Training Competition with law enforcement motorcycles from throughout Northern California competing with their handling skills, and a Classic Car Show. 

Bring the whole family. Kids and dogs are more than welcome!

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