Residual Sugar: A Sweet Glass Of Wine

June 4, 2013 | sack

California, obviously, is the state most associated with wine production, but many people seem to think that it stops outside the Napa Valley. There are great places to sample wine all over the state, and Walnut Creek’s Residual Sugar is one of them. They take an interesting and environmentally conscious approach to serving wine, using a unique 32 tap cruvinet system to ensure bottles hold their flavor longer, as well as serving almost half a dozen wines from kegs. While kegs are typically used for beer, they actually work exceptionally well for wine, and you won’t be able to tell the difference. The atmosphere here is casual but classy, and there’s not an iota of wine snobbery to be found. Residual Sugar is all about appreciating and enjoying the flavors that tantalize your palate. If you get puckish, they have excellent cheese plates that pair very well with the wines.

Residual Sugar
1684 Locust Street
Walnut Creek, CA 94596

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