Garden Tour


Come explore five private gardens in Lafayette and Orinda. Open to the public to benefit the Garden Conservancy. Admission is $5 per garden, children 12 & under free. 520 Miner Rd. Orinda, CA.

Romeo & Juliet Outdoors


The outdoor California Shakespeare Theatre in Orinda is now playing Romeo & Juliet through July 28th!  For more info visit

4th of July Events


The city of Orinda will be hosting several celebrations on the 4th of July in the Orinda Park and Community Center at 28 Orinda way. Beginning with a pancake breakfast at 7:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. at the Community Center, Roadrunner’s Fun Run at 8 a.m., Parade at 10 a.m., and a park celebration including car show, […]

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