Perfect Your Putt at the Greater Milwaukee Golf Show, Taking Place This Weekend at the State Fair Park Exposition Center Near Wimmer Communities


If you're looking to perfect your putt or pin down the imperfections in your swing, the Greater Milwaukee Golf Show at the State Fair Park Exposition Center can help. From March 11 to 13, just a short trip from Wimmer Communities, golf aficionados will converge at the Exposition Center to do some golf-centric shopping, enjoy […]

Residents of Wimmer Communities Can Fete Saz’s 40th Birthday with Live Music, Delicious Barbecue and Throwback Cocktails


What began as a humble barbecue joint by Milwaukee native Steve Sazama—AKA "Saz"—exploded into a multifaceted culinary empire, complete with catering, festival, and retail branches. However, Steve Sazama knows that Saz's State House Restaurant near Wimmer Communities is the business that started it all, which is why he and his team invite customers to celebrate […]

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