These Pumpkin Pie Recipes Will Have You Reaching for Seconds

Warm soups are great and Thanksgiving turkey is tasty, but when it comes to favorite fall foods, pumpkin pie is typically at the top of the list. There’s just nothing better than this rich, flavorful pie come autumn, whether you prefer to top it with whipped cream or to eat it warm out of the oven. Here are three of our favorite recipes for pumpkin pie.

Libby’s Famous Pumpkin Pie []
Since it requires only 15 minutes of prep time, this pie will be emitting a delicious scent from the oven with plenty of time to spare before the arrival of your last-minute guests. Canned pumpkin, evaporated milk, and a pre-made pie crust make this one of the easiest pumpkin pie recipes you’ll find.

The Ultimate Pumpkin Pie []
This elaborate recipe from Epicurious is ideal for the experienced baker who wants to add a bit more spice to the usual pumpkin pie. Whipping cream and sour cream make it extra thick and creamy, while the generous helpings of spices add major flavor in every bite.

Homemade Pumpkin Pie []
Pick Your Own’s homemade pumpkin pie uses real pumpkin instead of canned to offer the freshest taste possible in your seasonal dessert. Although it may seem intimidating, the results are more than worth it.

Savor Fall Flavors With These Pumpkin Recipes

It’s not uncommon to want to stay inside once the weather starts to cool down, especially since there are so many tasty fall weather recipes to try out. If you start craving all things pumpkin as soon as the first day of autumn rolls around, you might want to add these brand new pumpkin recipes to your to-do list this weekend.

Pumpkin Butter []
Instead of buying store-bought pumpkin butter, try this recipe for an all-natural, wholesome alternative. It uses only four ingredients and a bit of blending, and once it’s complete you can spread it on breads, bagels, muffins, and all of your favorite baked goods.

Pumpkin Bread Rolls with Cinnamon Butter []
Can you think of two things that go together better than pumpkin and cinnamon? This recipe not only shows you how to make tasty and adorable rolls in the shape of real pumpkins, it also offers the perfect cinnamon butter to spread on top.

Spiced Butternut-Pumpkin Soup []
If you love pumpkin so much that you even want to eat it for lunch and dinner, this is the recipe for you. It’s equal parts sweet and savory, and it makes the perfect small appetizer for all of your autumn dinner parties.

Keep the Kids Busy With These Easy Fall Craft Projects

When the kids are home on fall break from school, you’ll likely need fun activities to keep them entertained. These fall-themed craft projects are perfect for keeping the kids busy as the days get shorter.

Plastic Cup Crow []
The kids will love this simple crow craft that is much more silly than scary. As a bonus, all it takes is a small bathroom cup, construction paper, glue, and a few other supplies that you probably already have around the house.

Toilet Paper Roll Leaf Stamp []
If you feel wasteful throwing away all of those empty toilet paper rolls, start saving them to make this colorful fall art project with the little ones. Cut the rolls into handheld sizes, bend them into leaf shapes and encourage your kids to go wild with paint in shades of red, yellow, and brown.

Fall Leaves Garland []
Let the kids help you decorate the house for fall with this adorable garland DIY. Children of all ages can trace leaves onto colorful felt (the more the better!), and you can let the older kids cut them out with child-safe scissors. Sew them together with embroidery thread or let a beginning sewer help with this part, too. Hang the garland anyplace in your home that would benefit from a bit of fall charm.

Picking Apples? Take a Look at These Handy Comparison Guides to Apples!

If you’re heading out to an apple orchard this weekend, you’ll likely find a wide variety of different types of apples to choose from. Some apples are better for baking, while others have a crisp taste that’s perfect for eating as an on-the-go snack. These handy comparison guides will help you to choose the perfect apples, no matter what you want to use them for.

Comparing Apples to Apples []
This chart offers a number of different uses for the most common types of apples. It lists apples like McIntosh, Pink Lady and Red Delicious and also includes comments on how tart or sweet they each taste. The chart then provides a ranking for each apple for how well they can be used for things like baking, making apple juice or just eating raw.

Apple Varieties for Cooking, Baking and Cider [Washington State University]
Washington State University’s website offers a similar chart for apple uses, but it includes non-culinary uses as well. Whether you want to find the perfect type of apple for your fall pies or the best one to use to ferment for hard cider, this list is a great resource.

A Visual Guide to Apples [Epicurious]
If you’re more of a visual learner, this chart from Epicurious is perfect for you. It provides detailed photographs of each type of apple so that you can easily identify them at the orchard.

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