Afraid of Heights? These Tips Can Help You Overcome Your Fear!

Avoiding roller coasters or mountain peaks may not seem very difficult, but when your fear of heights starts to affect areas in your everyday life, it can become a hindrance. Here are some simple ways to eliminate your fear of heights—or at least learn to manage it.

  1. Think logically. Your fear of heights is likely so engrained in your mind that you don’t even consider it anymore. In order to overcome this fear, you need to think logically about it. Tell yourself how unlikely it is that a skyscraper or a longstanding bridge would ever collapse. If it helps, research statistics about the likelihood of the events that you fear actually happening. Once you realize how slim the chances are, you’ll start to take the edge off of your phobia.
  2. Relax. It’s easy to work yourself up before encountering heights, and that’s when you usually lose your nerve. By relaxing your mind, taking a few deep breaths, and willing yourself not to get upset, you can start to feel more rational about heights.
  3. Face your fear. The only real way to overcome a fear of heights is to face it. Don’t immediately run to the top of the nearest skyscraper, however; start gradually, like at a small bridge in your neighborhood. By slowly encountering heights you’ll become more used to them, and over time you won’t feel the need to panic.

How to Overcome Your Worst Fears [Lifehacker]
How to Overcome a Fear of Heights [wikiHow]
Overcoming Fear [Essential Life Skills]

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