Confused About Cholesterol? Learn More About It

How much cholesterol should a person really consume in a day? Are some types of cholesterol worse than others? There are a number of confusing “facts” floating around about the mysterious topic of cholesterol, and it may seem difficult to decide which ones are true. Here are a few definitive statements that will set the record straight and put you on the right track toward lower cholesterol. (Remember to consult with your doctor for medical advice!)

  1. Women should worry about their cholesterol just as much as men. Although many people think that cholesterol is man’s problem, once women enter menopause it affects them just as much. Menopause causes a woman’s “good” HDL cholesterol levels to decrease and their “bad” LDL levels to increase, which puts them at just as much risk.
  2. Everyone should practice a healthy diet and regular exercise routine to prevent high cholesterol. While being overweight or obese does put you at a much higher risk for high cholesterol, genetics are to blame for many instances of high cholesterol, as well. No matter how thin or physically fit you are, all adults should be concerned with their cholesterol levels.
  3. Whole foods are always better than packaged foods. There are many packaged foods that claim to be low in cholesterol, but they are often filled with other things (such as trans fats) that can also increase your cholesterol levels. Fruits, vegetables, and lean meats are always a better choice.

Common Misconceptions about Cholesterol [American Heart Association]
The Top 5 Cholesterol Myths [Health]
4 Dubious 'Facts' About High Cholesterol [Everyday Health]
Common Misconceptions About Cholesterol, Foods and Fats [Natural Therapy Pages]

Are You Making These Three Face Washing Mistakes?

Lather. Rinse. Dry. It seems so simple, right? But did you know there's actually a wrong and right way to wash your face? The key to getting the most from your skincare routine is to adopt a regimen that's custom tailored to your personal skin type and issues. You can start by avoiding these common face washing mistakes:

1) Washing with dirty hands.
Your hands contain dirt, dead skin cells, germs, and oil that can end up on your face if you don't wash them first. Avoid transferring any gross stuff to your face by first giving your hands a good lathering.

2) Ignoring your skin type.
Your skin type should dictate how you care for your face. There's no "one size fits all" solution to skincare, so don't use products that aren't working for you. For example, if you have sensitive skin, steer clear of perfumed cleansers or lotions. If you're prone to acne, listen to your skin and ditch any products that cause breakouts. Have oily skin? You might need to wash more frequently. Trust your instincts.

3) Washing with water that's too hot.
Because hot water can sap skin of moisture, only tepid water should be used to wash your face. After massaging a coin-sized amount of cleanser into your skin using gentle circular motions, rinse thoroughly with cooler water, which will help close pores. Pat your skin dry using a clean towel, and remember to always be extra gentle around the delicate eye areas.

How To Wash Your Face: 7 Ways To Keep Your Skin Healthy [Huffpost]
How to Wash Your Face Properly [Popsugar]
How to Wash Your Face [Howstuffworks]

Pucker Up! Here Are 6 Ways to Clean With Lemons

Not only do lemons smell great, they’re also packed full of naturally disinfecting properties that are said to be safer and gentler on your household than store bought cleaners. If you want to make the switch to a green cleaning routine, check out these tips for cleaning with lemons in every room in your home.

  1. Clean the copper bottoms of frequently used pots and pans by sprinkling coarse salt on half of a lemon and scrubbing away.
  2. If you’re unsure of how to properly disinfect wooden cutting boards, rub lemon juice onto stained areas and watch as they fade away overnight. You can also use lemon juice to clean your cutting boards after each use.
  3. Remove odors from your microwave by filling a cup 3/4 of the way full with tap water, then adding two tablespoons of lemon juice. Heat the mixture to boiling, and then let it sit for approximately 10 minutes to fully dilute odors.
  4. Create an all-purpose cleaner for countertops and tables by filling a spray bottle with diluted lemon juice.
  5. Clean grout from the bathtub or shower by using lemon juice and an old toothbrush. Simply dip the toothbrush in the lemon juice, then scrub until the debris disappears.
  6. Polish the faucets on your bathtub and bathroom sink by gently rubbing them with half of a lemon and coarse salt.

Cleaning With Lemon Juice [DIY Network]
24 Things You Can Clean With Lemon [Mother Nature Network]
10 Ways to Clean the Kitchen with Lemon Juice [How Stuff Works]

What Are Sliding Puzzles? Find Out Here!

If you love puzzles, you’re likely always looking for new styles to challenge your mind. Sliding puzzles are great options for anyone who wants to improve his or her special reasoning and logic skills, and there are countless different ways to play.

Sliding puzzles involve moving flat pieces along certain routes.
The end game of most sliding puzzles is to reach a certain configuration, which makes it important to consider your next move with each current move you make.

Sliding puzzles can use a variety of different pieces.
Many sliding puzzles use marbles enclosed in a board, while others use blocks, tokens, or even digital game boards to play online.

Players are not permitted to lift pieces off of the board.
This is the main difference between sliding puzzles and other types of rearrangement puzzles. Because you are unable to lift the pieces to move them, it’s important to clear a space for future moves.

Sliding puzzles are fairly common and easy to find.
Some popular sliding puzzles are the original Fifteen Puzzle, Inakube, Klotski, Minus Cube, and Jumbly.

Sliding Puzzles [Wikipedia]

How to Fight Insomnia and Get a Better Night’s Sleep

If you spend most nights tossing and turning for hours, you likely spend your days feeling tired, irritable, and unable to concentrate. Insomnia affects more people than you might think, but these proven tips can help you get a good night’s sleep.

  1. Set a schedule. If you often go to bed at very different times, it could be a cause of your insomnia. Try to set a bedtime for yourself and stick to it so that your body gets used to falling asleep at the same time each night.
  2. Give yourself 15 minutes. If you can’t fall asleep within 15 minutes of going to bed, get up and do something else. Lying awake for hours could cause you to stress out more, so try to tire yourself out by reading or washing the dishes.
  3. Change your diet. Don’t eat right before you go to bed, but try not to go to bed hungry, either. You likely already know that you shouldn’t drink caffeine before bedtime, but try to avoid alcohol, as well.
  4. Create a comfortable sleep space. If you still have trouble sleeping, it may be your surroundings. Wear earplugs if the outside noise is too loud, replace your blankets to suit your temperature needs, or add a mattress pad if your bed is uncomfortable.

20 Ways To Sleep Better Every Night [Prevention]
Sleep tips: 7 steps to better sleep [Mayo Clinic]
How to Sleep Better [Help Guide]
Healthy Sleep Tips [National Sleep Foundation]
How To Get A Better Night's Sleep [Sleepless in America]

Craving Potassium? Load Up on These Superfoods!

Filling your diet with the proper amount of potassium prevents against fatigue, hypertension, and increased blood pressure, and it also helps to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance throughout your body. If you’re unsure of which foods to eat in order to take in enough potassium, these two recommendations can help.

  1. White beans. These lightly textured, creamy beans are packed with fiber and protein, and they’re also incredibly rich in potassium. White beans contain approximately 1,189 milligrams of potassium per cup, which can easily be obtained through eating a bowl of chili, making a simple bean salad, or just eating white beans as a side dish with any meal.
  2. Leafy greens. If you thought that leafy green vegetables couldn’t possibly be any healthier, their potassium levels will make you think again. On top of their wide assortment of vitamins and minerals, greens also contain an impressive amount of potassium. For example, just one cup of Swiss chard contains 961 milligrams of potassium, which is more than double the amount in a banana. Beet greens also contain around 1,300 milligrams in a cup, while spinach has approximately 839 milligrams.

Top 10 Foods Highest in Potassium [Healthaliciousness]
15 Foods That Are High in Potassium []
Foods With More Potassium Than a Banana [Huffington Post]
Potassium and Your CKD Diet [National Kidney Foundation]

Limit Fat and Sugar with These Easy Tips

Fat and sugar are best enjoyed in moderation, but they're found in so many food that it can be very hard to avoid them.

If you want to take control of your diet, these simple tips from the NIH website can help you reduce the amount of fat and sugar your eat:

  • Just because a food is low-fat or fat-free doesn’t mean it’s also low in calories. Those foods can have a large amount of sugar, causing them to also have a large number of calories.
  • Many people don’t consider the added sugar in beverages like soda or juice, but these can also cause you to gain weight. Some studies show that people who cut these sugary drinks out of their diets noticed significantly reduced weight gain.
  • Sugars found naturally in foods like fruit or milk are beneficial to your body, and fresh fruit can make a healthy alternative to other sugary snacks.

You can find more tips about managing your fat and sugar intake on the NIH's website.

5 Reasons to Have Petroleum Jelly in Your Beauty Arsenal

Though it’s tempting to splurge on pricey makeup and skincare products, few things are more useful than good old-fashioned petroleum jelly. This miracle product is simple, very versatile, and, best of all, incredibly affordable. Here are just a few of the best beauty uses for petroleum jelly.

  1. Use it as an eye makeup remover. With its slick, gooey texture and petroleum-based composition, petroleum jelly makes a great eye makeup remover. Just smear some across your eyelids and wipe it off gently with a cotton ball or tissue.
  2. Highlight your cheekbones. Instead of contouring your face using an expensive, name brand highlighter, get the same effect for just a few dollars with petroleum jelly. Dot a tiny bit on the cheekbones, brow bones, and upper lip, then smooth it over with your fingers or a makeup sponge.
  3. Create a nail polish shield. If you always get nail polish on your cuticles while giving yourself an at-home manicure, smear some petroleum jelly around the nails to keep the polish from staining your fingers.
  4. Use it as a heavy-duty moisturizer. Apply petroleum jelly to elbows, knees, and heels to combat dry skin during cold winter months.
  5. Conceal split ends. If you’ve waited a bit too long between haircuts, dab a small amount of petroleum jelly to the ends of your hair to coat split ends and make them less noticeable.

16 Practical Uses for Petroleum Jelly [All You]
26 Extraordinary Uses for Petroleum Jelly [Reader's Digest]
57 Uses for Petroleum {Free} Jelly [One Good Thing]

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