Learn Something New Online with These Unexpected Sites

November 20, 2013 | greystar

It’s easy to waste time on the internet. Scrolling through your Twitter feed or browsing Facebook are relaxing ways to entertain yourself online, but what you may not know is that there are websites that are just as entertaining and are also incredibly informative. The next time you have a bit of free time, forgo looking at vacation photos of a high school acquaintance in favor of learning something new from one of these educational — and fun! — websites.

Barking Up the Wrong Tree
Barking Up the Wrong Tree is a blog that provides informative, statistics-based and often scientific posts that aim to help readers understand how humans operate and to use that information to improve their lives. Written about by both the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, this site is ideal for anyone interested in psychology or behavior.

Farnam Street
This thoughtful blog was created as a way for writer Shane Parrish to document the things he learns each day and to share them with like-minded knowledge seekers like yourself. Full of eclectic, thought-provoking posts about culture, history and literature as well as book reviews and reading suggestions, Farnam Street is beloved by history buffs and bookworms alike.

Brain Pickings
Brain Pickings is a website created by MIT fellow Maria Popova to compile books, life tips, design, science and history in new and creative ways. If you’re interested in learning about the most personal habits of some of history’s greatest writers, how to properly view a solar eclipse and the evolution of graphic design all in one place, Brain Pickings is that place.

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