Donate Today! Great Cause!

July 10, 2014 | greystar

Camp Hope, a PTSD Foundation of America Outreach

Camp Hope is a place to give back to those who have given of themselves so selflessly. The PTSD Foundation of America is dedicated to mentoring our combat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder and their families. Many warriors are coming home with visible wounds; countless others are coming home with scars we cannot see, wounded souls from witnessing the horrors of war over and over again – PTSD. Camp Hope offers a safe place where no one is judged and everyone is supported.

PTSD is a timeless problem affecting our military Service Members and Veterans and impacting our community on a magnitude never before seen. Our men and women returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are suffering from PTSD in record numbers (1 in 2 returning service members) and each sufferer impacts another 11 people closest to them. Divorce rates among Army & Marine combat veterans have increased by more than 50% in the last five years. Suicide is now the leading cause of non-combat related fatalities among active duty personnel. Last year, suicide losses exceeded combat losses. We are currently losing at least 23 Veterans a day to suicide. Your donation can help change this deadly trend.

Make a Difference Today. Donate.

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