Getting Rid of Large Items Upon Moveout
April 30, 2016 | greystar
Dear Residents and all others,
As a reminder, do not leave debris outside of the dumpsters and trash compactors.The Dedham Transfer Station is located at:
5 Incinerator Rd.
Dedham, MA 02026
Phone: (781) 326-8800
The hours of operation are:
Monday-Friday – 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Saturday 7:30 AM to 12:00 PM.
Residents: Drop off household waste for free each Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
All passenger automobiles and non-commercial pickup trucks are allows. Drivers license and Massachusetts registration required.
Limit: Not more than 3 bags or barrels weighing 50 pounds each (additional waste can be dropped off for a fee).
TV's and Computers accepted with a fee.
Televisions, computers and other electronic items may be brought to the Transfer station and dropped off there for a fee. The Transfer Station is located on Incinerator Rd behind the Dedham Mall. The phone number is 781-326-8800. These items may also be brought to the annual hazardous waste day held in October. Please see calendar for scheduled date.
MassDEP Regulation 310 CMR 19.017 Prohibits the Disposal, or Transfer for Disposal, of the Following Materials:
• Asphalt, Brick or Concrete
• Metal Containers
• Cathode Ray Tubes
• Recyclable Paper
• Glass Containers
• Single Polymer Plastic Containers
• Lead Batteries
• White Goods
• Leaf and Yard Waste
• Whole Tires (for disposal/transfer only)
• Wood
• Metal
The Disposal of Hazardous Waste, Liquid Waste or Special Waste, Including Asbestos, is Strictly Prohibited at this Facility
Thank you for your immediate attention.
~ Your Jefferson at Dedham Station Team