Bad Weather Keeping You In? Beauty Tips for Rainy Days


Even when the weather's at its worst, it's easy to look your best! Below are a few beauty tips for rainy days: Watch Your Base Quite frequently the main cause of makeup smudging is excessive foundation. Put on a thin coat of something that's water resistant, and remember to make use of powder during the […]

What’s Your Favorite Classic Movie Set In Boston?


There are plenty of movies set in Boston, but only a few that really capture the character of a place. Whether it’s attention to historical detail or an understanding of Boston’s neighborhoods (and their accompanying accents), these are some films that get it right: The Verdict While The Verdict was mostly shot in New York, […]

The Most Popular and Tasty Energy Bars


If you’re looking for a mid-day pick-me-up, why not try a tasty energy bar rather than pouring yet another cup of coffee. Or if you're in the market for an in-workout energy fix, energy bars can be a great option and are easy to pack for travel. So, if you’re wondering what bar is best […]

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