Happy Mother’s Day!

May 8, 2016 12:26 pm

Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate Mom! Are you doing anything special for your mother today?

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3 Healthy Weight Loss Tips for Men

May 6, 2016 12:03 pm

No one ever said that it'd be easy to lose weight, but that doesn’t mean that the process has to be miserable, either! If you’re finally ready to make the commitment to a healthier lifestyle — and, in turn, a lower weight — these simple tips will help you to get started.

  1. Jump-start your workout routine in the first week. Because your weight loss plan will involve a combination of diet and exercise, you’ll need to work out every day of the first week in order to get both your body and mind in the routine. This doesn’t mean that you have to go all out every single day, however; simply start out with a combination of light cardio and body weight workouts for 30 to 60 minutes each day.
  2. Keep a food diary. Instead of hopping on the bandwagon of a fleeting fad diet, begin a healthier relationship with food by keeping a food diary of everything that you eat. This will hold you accountable for every indulgence, and it will help you to monitor the amount of fat and calories that you consume.
  3. Be realistic. If you have a big event in the next two weeks, you won’t be able to force a full-body transformation by that time. Instead, focus on realistic weight loss goals that will produce results over time.

Men's Health [WebMD]
How to Lose Weight in 4 Weeks [Xfinity]
7 Weight Loss Steps for Men [About Health]

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Clear the Air With These Air-Purifying Houseplants

May 3, 2016 2:02 pm

You might think that, in order to breathe truly clean air inside, you'll have to invest in an expensive air purification system, but that's not so. There are many houseplants that eradicate airborne toxins, and you can pick them up at any major home improvement store. Here are just four of them.

  1. English ivy. According to the scientists at NASA, there's no plant better at purifying the air than English ivy. It helps soak up any formaldehyde that could be floating around in your air, and you definitely don't want to be inhaling the stuff. Plus, it's almost impossible to kill them.
  2. Peace lily. The peace lily may be beautiful, but beauty can be deceiving. Don't fall for its game; this is actually a powerful plant. Harmful chemicals like xylene, ammonia, formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene will all decrease in your air when a peace lily blooms nearby.
  3. Red-Edged Dracaena. Named for the strips of bright red that run along the edges of its thin, long leaves, the Red-edged Dracaena is more than just a pretty plant. It also gets rid of xylene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde when you feed it enough sunlight.
  4. Golden pothos. If you really want to make a statement with your new houseplant, consider buying a hanging pot for the golden pothos. When positioned properly, its leaves will snake their way down to the floor in beautiful vines.

7 Plants That Purify Indoor Air [Rodale's Organic Life]
This Graphic Shows the Best Air-Cleaning Plants, According to NASA [Lifehacker]
10 Best Houseplants To De-Stress Your Home And Purify The Air [HuffPost Home]

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