How to Strike the Ideal Work-Life Balance

Between housework, errands, family obligations, and professional duties, maintaining a healthy balance between work and home life is nothing short of a juggling act. If you feel as though you're being pulled in a thousand directions, read these tips to help refocus your priorities and help shed some stress.

1) Ask for help.
As they say, "It takes a village." Reach out to friends, family, and neighbors for help on days that you're stretched especially thin. For instance, you might trade off carpooling or babysitting duties with a neighbor, or assign chores and errands to family members.

2) Just say no.
Establish clear boundaries. Train yourself to ignore unimportant work emails when you're off the clock. Similarly, do your best not to bring personal issues into the workplace. If you're overloaded with work, tactfully relay the fact to your employer, and ask for more time if handed additional assignments.

3) Make yourself a priority.
When you're responsible for the welfare of others, it's easy to put your own needs and ambitions on the back burner. However, you'll likely find that a little "me time" will go a long way in helping you deal with everyday obligations. Be sure to schedule time for your own hobbies and interests every week.

The Top 10 Tips for Balancing Work and Family Life [Mom MD]
14 Steps to Achieving Work-Life Balance []
6 Strategies for Work-Life Balance [Oprah]
Get a good balance between work and life [Action for Happiness]

Make Connections Online with These Business Social Networks

Facebook and Twitter are useful for connecting with family and friends. But these business social networks offer a way to connect with everyone from people working in your field to your college peers, as well as a way to learn from experts in a variety of industries.

The original business networking site and still the most widely used, LinkedIn operates like Facebook for professionals in all fields. Create a profile and you can develop a sort of online resume. LinkedIn also features job classified ads and company profiles so that you can plan your next career move.

Quora is a great way to connect with experts in just about any field and to gain insights, ask questions, and participate in discussions. The site allows users to ask a question and receive answers from experts in industries ranging from fast food to web development. You can also answer questions on topics within your realm of expertise!

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