3 Healthy Weight Loss Tips for Men

No one ever said that it'd be easy to lose weight, but that doesn’t mean that the process has to be miserable, either! If you’re finally ready to make the commitment to a healthier lifestyle — and, in turn, a lower weight — these simple tips will help you to get started.

  1. Jump-start your workout routine in the first week. Because your weight loss plan will involve a combination of diet and exercise, you’ll need to work out every day of the first week in order to get both your body and mind in the routine. This doesn’t mean that you have to go all out every single day, however; simply start out with a combination of light cardio and body weight workouts for 30 to 60 minutes each day.
  2. Keep a food diary. Instead of hopping on the bandwagon of a fleeting fad diet, begin a healthier relationship with food by keeping a food diary of everything that you eat. This will hold you accountable for every indulgence, and it will help you to monitor the amount of fat and calories that you consume.
  3. Be realistic. If you have a big event in the next two weeks, you won’t be able to force a full-body transformation by that time. Instead, focus on realistic weight loss goals that will produce results over time.

Men's Health [WebMD]
How to Lose Weight in 4 Weeks [Xfinity]
7 Weight Loss Steps for Men [About Health]

Did You Resolve to Lose Weight for the New Year? Here’s How to Start!

So you’ve decided to cut out the snacking and get healthy in the New Year, but now you don’t know where to start. If your New Year’s resolution centers around losing weight and getting in shape, these smart and simple tricks will help you to make it happen.

  1. Choose a specific goal. Although you don’t want to choose a weight loss goal so lofty that it’s actually dangerous, it's beneficial to have a concrete number in mind. Work with a doctor to develop a realistic weight loss goal that you can work toward throughout the year.
  2. Create a schedule. For most people, lack of time is the main thing that stands in the way of weight loss goals. By scheduling your meal prep or workout like a job, you won’t be as likely to put them off.
  3. Start slowly. You’ll probably be full of energy and excitement about becoming the newer, healthier you, but it’s important to start a routine slowly so that you’re more likely to stick with it.
  4. Prepare yourself. Your weight loss won’t be easy, but it will be much more bearable if you make the necessary preparations before New Year’s Eve. Join a gym, research healthy recipes, or even make a trip to the health food store.

Fitness 101: The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Exercise [WebMD]
14 Tips for Starting and Sticking with a Workout Routine [SparkPeople]
How To Start Working Out When You Don’t Like To Exercise [Summer Tomato]

These Apps Can Help You Stick to Your Diet Plan

You went into your weight loss plan with high hopes and determination, but somewhere along the way you started feeling pretty worn out. If your diet feels more frustrating than it’s worth, you may need a bit of help. These handy weight loss apps will help you to manage the foods you eat and count calories without taking the enjoyment out of eating.

MyFitnessPal is one of the most popular diet tracking apps available today, and for very good reason. The app’s expansive database includes the nutrition information for just about any food imaginable, enabling you to enter each meal that you consume into the log and watch your calories without stress. You can deduct calories each time you work out, and there’s even a feature that scans the barcodes on packaged foods to make adding them even more convenient.

My Diet Coach
If you need a bit of motivation to get your diet back on track, My Diet Coach is the app for you. Just like a personal nutritionist, this app gives you helpful reminders about your nutrition goals and offers advice, such as to drink more water or fill half of your plate with vegetables at each meal. You can even record motivational photos to visualize your weight loss along the way.

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