Academy Award-Winning Dramas Worth Watching Again

While we can all agree to disagree on some of the Academy Awards choices, there’s no denying that the Oscars have honored some truly outstanding films over the years. Here are a few winners of "Best Picture" that deserve to be watched and enjoyed again.

1.     The English Patient. Anthony Minghella’s World War II dramatic romance is gorgeously shot. The film stars Ralph Fiennes and Juliette Binoche, and it’s rich, complex, and will inspire multiple viewings to piece together all the flashback montages.

2.     Ordinary People. Robert Redford enjoyed his directorial debut  with this 1980 Oscar winner. This remarkable portrait of a family in the midst of falling apart, focuses on the Jarretts as they try to recover from the accidental death of one son, and deal with the attempted suicide of the other.

3.     The Deer Hunter. Michael Cimino’s haunting tale of traumatized Vietnam vets trying to return to "normal" life is a controversial epic, as it shows life on the streets for the injured heroes as it truly was. Add in names like Robert De Niro, Meryl Streep, and Christopher Walken and you have winner!

4.     The Godfather. Francis Ford Coppola’s Mafia epic is one of the greatest dramas of all time. Both the original film and the sequel won the Oscar for Best Picture — an honor that has never been repeated and probably never will.

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