Kid-Friendly Attractions in Houston

Houston is home to a wide variety of museums that appeal to people of all ages, but two in particular stand out to children. One of these museums will have your little ones looking back into the past, while the second provides a glimpse far into the future.

Houston Museum of Natural Science
The Houston Museum of Natural Science is one of the most widely visited natural history museums in the country. It offers a wide variety of traditional attractions as well as an innovative approach to teaching the sciences to kids. Travel back in time through the Hall of Ancient Egypt, then venture even farther in the Morian Hall of Paleontology. Your family will learn how energy is made and used in the Wiess Energy Hall, and they'll enjoy stargazing at a recreated authentic night sky in the Burke Baker Planetarium. Kids love learning here, but you'll be surprised at how much adults enjoy it, too!

The Children's Museum of Houston
The Children's Museum of Houston is synonymous with fun, and this highly interactive learning center will make your kids excited about learning. Watch them engage in an ecological study inside the EcoStation. In the Cyberchase exhibit, kids will enter into an interactive world where math is not just learned, but experienced. This colorful center also provides countless programs and fun classes, so make sure to check the calendar for upcoming events.

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