Limit These Three Foods, Which are High in Saturated Fat

Saturated fat is known to be the type of dietary fat you want to eat in limited amounts. This fat has been associated with high cholesterol, which can lead to heart disease. The American Heart Association recommends that only 5 to 6% of your daily calories come from saturated fats. To make sure you know what to cut back on, here are three foods that contain saturated fat.

  1. Animal products. Lard and shortening are two common examples of animal fats used in food preparation. They contain high amounts of saturated fat and should be used sparingly. Try substituting olive oil instead.
  2. Cheese. This popular dairy food is delicious as an addition to a dish or enjoyed on its own. Unfortunately, too much cheese can greatly increase your saturated fat intake. Be sure to keep your cheese consumption to a minimum and select low-fat options.
  3. Whipped cream. Even though its just a light, fluffy topping, whipped cream is actually about 14% saturated fat. So try not to overdo it when you add whipped cream to your dessert—just one tablespoon provides you with 2% of your daily value.

Top 10 Foods Highest in Saturated Fat [Healthalicousness]
Saturated Fats Are Primarily Found in What Groups? [Healthy Eating]
Saturated Fat [CDC]
Fats and Oils [Better Health]

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