Learn about Different Business Structures with These SBA Guides

February 19, 2016 12:02 pm

If you'd like to learn more about different kinds of business structures, the U.S. Small Business Administration’s website offers helpful guides describing things like S-Corps, LLCs, and sole proprietorships. Here are some of the basic differences:

Sole Proprietorship
This is the simplest business structure, and it is also the most common among new businesses. Sole proprietorships have no distinction between the business itself and the owner of the business, and the two operate as one entity.

Limited Liability Company
LLCs are business structures somewhere between sole proprietorships and corporations. They're their own entities — often owned by multiple shareholders — but they retain some of the flexibility of sole proprietorships.

Corporations, or C-Corps, are more complex business structures, with distinctive tax and legal requirements. This form is more typical for large businesses, but small businesses sometimes use the form, too, if they're anticipating rapid growth or outside investment.

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How to Help Ensure Your Growing Teen Is Getting the Proper Nutrition

February 18, 2016 2:33 pm

Teenagers may seem like they don’t need your help with anything, but as a parent, you know that this simply isn’t true. When it comes to proper nutrition, your growing teen needs you more than ever. Here are a few smart tips to help ensure that your teenager is eating the right foods and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Have regular meals together. Eating together doesn’t just bring you closer as a family, it also ensures that your son or daughter eats a well-balanced dinner every evening. Prepare meals with lots of whole grains, lean meats and fish, and fresh vegetables.
  2. Prepare more food. As your child becomes a teenager, his or her appetite will begin to increase dramatically. Keep teens energized by serving larger portions at mealtime and keeping lots of healthy snacks on hand.
  3. Limit saturated fats and sugars. Even if your teen loves to snack on potato chips and chocolate candies, these things can contribute to certain diseases later in life. Try to limit the foods that contain saturated fats, sugars, and sodium in your household.
  4. Increase calcium intake. Because teenagers typically go through growth spurts, they require much more calcium than children and adults. Serve low fat milks, yogurt, or even calcium supplements. Ask your child's doctor for advice.

Nutrition for Children and Teens [HelpGuide.org]
A Teenager’s Nutritional Needs [HealthyChildren.org]
Do Teens Have Different Nutritional Needs Than Adults? [SF Gate]

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Happy Presidents’ Day

February 15, 2016 1:21 pm

On this day we honor all of the Presidents of our great country. If it weren’t for them, our country would not be what it is today!

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