Five Uses for Baking Soda

December 18, 2014 2:34 pm

You likely already know that you can use baking soda to freshen your refrigerator, but there are a wide variety of other uses for this kitchen staple. From cleaning your home to washing your body, baking soda can replace a number of more expensive products in your life. Here are just a few simple ways to use baking soda.

  1. To keep flowers fresh. Add a few sprinkles of baking soda to your flower vase to lengthen the lifespan of fresh flowers.
  2. As a deodorant. Simply apply baking soda to your underarms with a powder puff to use it as an all-natural deodorant.
  3. As an antacid. Baking soda is great to help relieve heartburn, sour stomach, or acid indigestion. Check the instructions on your brand's package to determine the specific measurements.
  4. To soothe irritated skin. Whether you have insect bites, athlete’s foot, or just seasonal dry skin, baking soda can help soothe skin irritation. Just add 1/2 cup to your bathwater and settle in for a long soak in the tub.
  5. To scrub counters. Instead of using harsh, potentially harmful bleach to clean your kitchen surfaces, create a baking soda soft scrub. Sprinkle some baking soda on a damp sponge, then scrub the grime from counters, tile, and sinks. Be sure to rinse the residue thoroughly afterward.

75 Extraordinary Uses for Baking Soda [Life Hackery]
31 Baking Soda Uses [All You]
51 Surprising Uses for Baking Soda [Care2]

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Happy Holidays!

December 15, 2014 11:39 am

We wish you and your loved ones all a very happy and safe holiday season.

Category: Life at Reserve at Garden Oaks Apartments Tags:

How to Make the Holidays Less Stressful

December 12, 2014 12:02 pm

With all of the gift buying, cookie baking, and crowded homes filled with out-of-town visitors, you may forget that the holidays are supposed to be a time of fun and relaxation. Here are a few smart tips that will help you to take the stress out of the holidays and better appreciate time spent with family.

  1. Ask for a wish list. Instead of stressing out about buying the perfect gift for a loved one, just ask for his or her wish list. There’s no shame in asking what everyone wants to ensure that you feel confident about your purchases.
  2. Create a budget—and stick to it. Although it’s easy to overspend when you want to spoil your friends and family members, it will only leave you feeling more stressed afterward. It’s entirely possible to purchase thoughtful gifts within your means, provided that you set a budget for your gifts.
  3. Say “no.” You don’t have to attend every holiday party, volunteer to bring a side to every family dinner or even host the festivities at your own home. Carefully consider which things you’ll actually have time for, and say no to everything else.
  4. Keep things simple. Instead of trying to make your holiday celebrations the best on the block, focus on simply spending time with the family over a delicious meal. The rest will work itself out.

Peggy's Top Five for Stress-Free Gift Giving [Emily Post]
Our Stress-Less Holiday Guide [She Knows]
10 Steps to a Less Stressful Holiday [Parents]

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