DIY Halloween Costume Ideas for Parents and Kids

If your kids are still young enough to partner with you on a Halloween costume, you likely want to come up with a really creative idea. Costumes for kids and parents are some of the cutest combinations, and there are quite a few to choose from! Here are just a few of our favorites:

Garden Duo []
Art mimics life in this costume that transforms you into a gardener tending to a precious little flower. Simply wear a gardening outfit or dress as a life-sized package of seeds, then create a flower costume for your son or daughter by gluing paper petals to a headband. Best of all, this costume also works for multiple children (think a whole garden of flowers).

Eaten by Sharks []
If you’re a family with a sense of humor, you’ll all get a kick out of this surfer and hungry shark costume. Parents should carry a faux surfboard and wear a wetsuit, while you can make or buy tiny shark costumes for your little sharks.

Westminster Dog Show []
This incredibly creative costume will ensure that no one else at the party has the same costume as you. Mom or dad can wear a smart blazer with a number pinned to the back to dress as a competitor in a dog show, while your child will look adorable as a prized pup.

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