How to Help Ensure Your Growing Teen Is Getting the Proper Nutrition

Teenagers may seem like they don’t need your help with anything, but as a parent, you know that this simply isn’t true. When it comes to proper nutrition, your growing teen needs you more than ever. Here are a few smart tips to help ensure that your teenager is eating the right foods and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Have regular meals together. Eating together doesn’t just bring you closer as a family, it also ensures that your son or daughter eats a well-balanced dinner every evening. Prepare meals with lots of whole grains, lean meats and fish, and fresh vegetables.
  2. Prepare more food. As your child becomes a teenager, his or her appetite will begin to increase dramatically. Keep teens energized by serving larger portions at mealtime and keeping lots of healthy snacks on hand.
  3. Limit saturated fats and sugars. Even if your teen loves to snack on potato chips and chocolate candies, these things can contribute to certain diseases later in life. Try to limit the foods that contain saturated fats, sugars, and sodium in your household.
  4. Increase calcium intake. Because teenagers typically go through growth spurts, they require much more calcium than children and adults. Serve low fat milks, yogurt, or even calcium supplements. Ask your child's doctor for advice.

Nutrition for Children and Teens []
A Teenager’s Nutritional Needs []
Do Teens Have Different Nutritional Needs Than Adults? [SF Gate]

What to Keep in Mind When Counting Calories

You know that counting calories is essential when it comes to losing weight, but do you really understand exactly what calories are? Here are a few things that you should understand about your caloric intake.

  1. Know the definition. A calorie is a term used to describe how much energy there is in a food. Your body needs a certain amount of calories to function, but excess calories turn into fat.
  2. Know your limit. Everyone has a different daily calorie limit, and it all depends on your sex, age, height, and weight. You’ll need to visit a doctor or find a chart online to determine your personal recommended daily intake.
  3. Create a calorie log. Keep track of how many calories you consume by recording your meals in a daily diary.
  4. Evenly distribute calories. Plan ahead of time so that you can split up your calories between each meal of the day. Be careful not to consume the majority of your calories in the morning, because you won’t have many remaining to "spend" on dinner.
  5. Beware of beverages. Many people don’t realize it, but the calories in drinks can really take a toll on your daily calorie limit. Be careful to record all of the beverages that you consume in addition to your meals.

Eat the Right Amount of Calories For You [Choose My Plate]
Estimated Calorie Requirements [WebMD]
American Cancer Society Calorie Counter [American Cancer Society]

How to Help Preserve the Health of Your Eyes

You lift weights for your muscles and use fancy creams for your skin, but what do you do to protect your eyes? The eyes are often overlooked, but they are some of the most important parts of the body. Here are a few simple things that you can do to help ensure good eye health for years to come.

  1. Have a comprehensive exam. If you don’t wear glasses or contacts, you might go for years between eye exams. The only real way to know how healthy your eyes are is by having a comprehensive dilated exam administered by an eye care professional, so be sure to schedule an appointment.
  2. Eat the right foods. Yes, it’s common knowledge that carrots are good for your eyes, but other foods that can help improve the health of your eyes, as well. Dark, leafy vegetables, fruits, and fish high in omega-3 fatty acids have all been linked to improving eye health.
  3. Keep them protected. Sunglasses don’t just look cool, they also serve a very important purpose. Wearing sunglasses helps to shield your eyes from the harmful UV rays from the sun, so be sure to choose ones that block 99 to 100 percent of UVA and UVB radiation.

Eye Health Tips [Information for Healthy Vision]
10 Eye Health Tips to Protect Your Vision [Real Simple]
Five Tips For Eye Health [Eating Well]

3 Easy Diet Swaps

Dieting doesn't mean cutting out your favorite foods — just switch them for healthier, low-calorie versions. Check out these tips:

Don't fear dips anymore. Switch out high calorie dips with Greek yogurt-based dips. It has way less calories and more protein. Trying dipping veggies!

Craving something salty? Instead of reaching for that bag of chips, pop some popcorn. You'll get the same satisfying salty flavor for less calories, just watch your toppings!

You can still have pizza while dieting! Instead of ordering a deep dish pizza with all the toppings go for a flatbread pizza with veggies. Or even better, make your own pizza. For a snack size use an English muffin with a little bit of tomato sauce and low-fat mozzarella cheese.

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